YGS 20180914

I have been asking myself this question a lot recently. After hearing about a former Harding Student, 26-year-old, Botham Shem Jean, who was shot and killed in his own apartment by a Dallas Police Officer, who “mistakenly” entered the wrong apartment. Yesterday, many around the world remembered all the lives lost seventeen years ago in New York City (9/11). I doubt any of these people woke up that day thinking, “I might die today.” The lives lost left many more behind, but it is often only at a persons death, the kind remarks are made about that person. The question I have been asking this week is, “If I were to die today, what would people say about me?” Now, I understand that my life’s purpose is to draw people without a relationship with God, into a relationship with Him – I get that. But often, we all need to be built up and encouraged by the people we come into contact with on a regular basis. What would people say about you? Are you a kind person? Do you go out of your way to help others, or to be a blessing to them? Will you be remembered for the talents you have, for your voice, music, special abilities etc.? There are so many people in the world fighting depression and understanding their self-worth. What if we lived each day as if it were someone else’s last day? What would you tell them? Would you thank them for doing certain things? Would you encourage them to be strong? If we lived our life like it’s everyone else’s last day, do you think you would be a better person for it? If you lived this way, when “today” becomes your last day, what would the world say about you? I know, this can be read as a very depressing thought of the week, but I want you to think about this: If you can make a life better by simply speaking kindness – which in turn will make yours better, why would you not? Because we do not know when our time or another, may come, I challenge you to outdo each other in showing love, honor, and building each other up. ““But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 13:32 “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:10 What will be your legacy?